Summer Camp Counselor Jobs Florida
Summer Camp Counselor Jobs in Florida
There is no more rewarding way to spend the summer than with Summer Camp Counselor Jobs in Florida.
Camp Frontier is Florida’s OverNight Adventure Summer Camp. Our Campers are of many faiths and backgrounds and came from all over the word. Each is unique and deserving of the very best camp experience we can bring to them. Our beautiful, air-conditioned camp facilities are a great place to spend the summer as a youth leader.
We are looking for Counselors who desire to share their skills and interests with Campers ages 7 to 17. Together, our Counselors lead over 50 activities, care for about 120 campers, accompany Campers at Theme Park and Bowling Trips and, most importantly, serve as supporting and loving role-models for our Campers and for one another. Summer Camp is our community, our cabins are our homes, and our staff a team.
If you are looking for Summer Camp Counselor jobs in Florida and want to serve as part of a God-Honoring team of youth leaders, prayerfully consider applying to be a part of our summer camp team at Camp Frontier.